If You Try

If You Try

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Advice on Giving Advice

I am a big believer in listening to wise counsel. I affirm that it is absolutely critical to success. In fact, there is an ancient saying that states "When you wage war, obtain guidance". And another one quips "Many advisers make victory sure". So it is paramount to develop an open ear for outside wisdom. The caveat though is to make sure it is in fact wisdom that we are giving and receiving and not mere opinion. Whenever I find myself giving advice that is highly opinionated, I now try to slow my mouth down because speaking from my own experience can sometimes limit the listener's frame of reference. Everyones circumstances are different even when they have close similarities. We have to take into account that we have different backgrounds, personalities, life experiences, so on and so forth. So it is wise to be cautious in both giving and receiving advice because it can cause a major shift in our thinking, good or bad. And thinking produces actions, which ultimately affects destinies.

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