If You Try

If You Try

Friday, October 21, 2011

For The Joy Set Before Me...

Believer's in Christ eventually come to understand that there are significant "death" points in their life. We either have the choice to undergo these periods of death allowing the resurrection life of Jesus to flow through us, or we can choose to take the easy route and let our human nature continue to live and abort the plan of God in our lives for that moment. Some death points and periods are bigger and have greater magnitude than others. The little "deaths' that we die daily prepare us for our big death that we will face that will give life to many others. The joy set before us that allows us to undergo these deaths is all of the lives that will be touched for the better by our obedience to God.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Inner Transformation Leads to External Transformation

Many people are often focused on how they can transform their sphere of influence. We want to see positive transformation in our families, on our jobs, in our churches, and in our communities. Positive transformation is progressive in nature, there are building blocks that lead to greater levels. To change a city, family, community, the individual must change first. The very things that you desire to see shifted in your respective spheres of activity must first shift in you. A transformation in you will allow you to see what needs to transform in your surroundings and will give you authority to work on initiating the change, you are working from a place of integrity. So get busy transforming the spehre of responsibility assigned to you by God, but remember that first step starts with you undergoing that tranformation.