If You Try

If You Try

Saturday, September 12, 2009

You Creative Genius You!

An essential step in flourishing in life is finding what you are good at and passionate about, then honing the natural talent that you have in what that particular thing is. In my opinion, everyone has the potential to be a genius because everyone has at least one quality in them that they can use to excel with in life. A lot of people are lazy though and never take the time to do some soul searching and find out what brings out their greatness. Unless your talent is super evident, you may have to work hard to discover the treasure inside especially if you grew up or are currently in a negative environment. As I said in a previous blog, greatness is a choice that has to be made. Many people have great potential but fail to work it into reality. Creativity stems from imagination, relative freedom, and refined talent. Let your mind think of great things, put yourself in a space where you can express yourself without hyper criticism (criticism that comes from within included), and work on improving/polishing your gifts. Once the aforementioned elements are in harmony, your creative genius has no choice but to reveal its brilliant light.

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