If You Try

If You Try

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Becoming Great is a Decision

Everyday that I wake up I have two options. To either be great or not. It is that simple. Great men and women leave legacies of greatness because they chose to be great more days than they chose not to be great. Greatness starts in the mind. You have to have a passion to succeed, excell, and become even better than you were yesterday even if what you accomplished yesterday was your best work. Everyday is a new opportunity to grow,expand, and be a positive influence on your allotted patch of the world. That excites me. I am excited to know that it is up to me to become better and that I actually have that option. It is my decision to learn from my mistakes, gain wisdom, and apply it next time a similar situation arises. Personal development is a high priority on my list, because in order to become successful in my field of work (any field of work for that matter), I have to become a successful person first apart from my work.

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