If You Try

If You Try

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pride’s Poison

If you are an individual pursuing greatness, then more than likely you have high self esteem. There is nothing wrong with high self esteem and valuing who you are. But you must be cautious to keep a level head, especially after triumphs, victories, and achievements. You will find that you are most vulnerable after a victory. Accomplishment and being gifted have the potential to make the possessor lose touch with reality if he/she is not careful. One must take the pill of success with a glass of sobriety to maintain greatness. You will also find that some of those who envy (one of the worst vices when not subjugated) you will over praise you in order to help you develop a big ego. They do this to set you up for a great fall. Therefore, keep an eye on yourself as you progress toward becoming a greater light in the world and stay grounded.

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