If You Try

If You Try

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ruler of Much When Faithful With Little (The Ant Principle)

A wise man once told me that the little things you do have the biggest impact in life. Doing the little things speaks of integrity and character. The grandiose things are the result of several successful little things leading up to that point. I myself procrastinate when it comes to doing the little things. Actions such as finishing up "additional" paperwork, ironing out the "little" details of a deal I'm working on, making phone calls, returning phone calls (hmmm...), picking up this little thing, and doing this little task, etc. Today I actually took the time to complete some of the little tasks that I needed to get done. And maaaaan, let me tell you, just that little bit of effort that I exerted led to some big results. Those big results are the things that I love doing, yet those results could not take place without the little ones. In honor of the NBA playoffs, I'll use a basketball analogy. It is that player that spent a little extra time after practice working on his game that shows up biggest in the actual game. Therefore we need to view the little things in our life as the preparation, practice, and foundation for our all star performance in life. I'll end this post with one of my favorite proverbs:

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest."

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