If You Try

If You Try

Monday, December 28, 2009

Gain Momentum for 2010 Today

Most people set new year resolutions at the beginning of each year but fail to follow through with them. Why is this? Most of the time it is because we don't see quick results and we lose interest. It's as if something magical is supposed to happen just because we make the resolution. The truth is, these new goals that we set require hard and continuous work and we may not even see the fruit of our efforts in the year we have set the goal. If you want to be a better business person, athlete, husband, wife, and overall person, you must sacrifice the time, energy, finances, brain power, and self to do so. Your labor will be rewarded, but maybe not in the time you would like it to be. Be diligent and lock onto your future rather than your bleak today. And don't wait until the clock strikes 12 and the ball drops for 2010 either. Start today. Map out your plan for how you are going to achieve greatness in the areas you are seeking it in. Include trusted friends and family in your plans so they can hold you accountable and encourage you. I personally am looking forward to becoming stronger and wiser; spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, and mentally and I started on this journey about a week ago. I encourage you my friends, get busy living today!!!

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