If You Try

If You Try

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How Desire Is Intelligently Used To Catapult Us

Some new information hit me like a ton of bricks regarding how desire is used as a catapult for those who posses it. Any great thing that has been done, by anyone, anywhere is because someone had a desire to see it done. Desire is the fuel that is needed to accomplish anything of true significance. Why is that? Because the conflict of life has so many unexpected setbacks, changes, and opposing winds that it takes the flame of desire to counteract and override these discouraging factors. Desire is a gift that God places in people because He knows the challenges we will face as we climb the mountains of destiny, purpose, and His ultimate will for our lives. He knew that we would need a force greater than those that we face in order for us to make it to our destined points. Without desire, we will lose the will to fight and forge forward toward the vision He has placed in our hearts. The cool thing is that God uses these opposing forces to strengthen and mold our character so that we properly handle the rewards that our "outrages" and spectacular God-given desires allow us to accomplish. Though it's painful at times, once we we see the fruit of our desire along with all the fulfillment, satisfaction, and responsibility that it brings, we will be so thankful for the character weight training that He puts us through.

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