If You Try

If You Try

Monday, April 22, 2013

How To Discover The "True" Desire of Your Heart

The heart is a very tricky character, it's actually impossible (for humans) to understand. We can only hope to learn more about what makes us tick, find patterns, and make wise decisions based on discovering our "true" desires that line up with God's will for our lives. The deepest human needs are unconditional love, community, and significance. We drive nice cars, wear the most popular brands, post our best pictures/accomplishments on social media websites (I'm so guilty of this) because ultimately we all want to be important to somebody. It's not to say that some us don't enjoy nice things or accomplishments for the mere sake of their enjoyment, but often times it is tied to trying to obtain one of the three needs I mentioned earlier. Since God made us, he knows us. He wired us like he did because he wants us all to live fulfilling lives and seeking Him with everything that we have is the only way to discover what our true desires are. What's even more, I'm beginning to think that He is so crazy about His kids that he uses these "desires" to lead us to our one true desire (that many of us don't even know we have) and that is having a great relationship with our Heavenly Father.

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