If You Try

If You Try

Monday, August 6, 2012

Train Yourself To Be A Winner (The Olympian Factor II, Read Time 0:40)

Being a winner does not mean being someone who wins all of the time. It's much deeper than that. Being a winner is a state of mind that declares to the world I will not be defeated even if I should lose. I may suffer loss, setbacks, disappointments, but ultimately I will overcome and make it to my destination. I am convinced that one has to train harder for the game of life than they would an Olympic sport. To be a winner in life is no easy accomplishment, many prefer the wide road of defeat. Winners don't just let life happen to them, they are proactive in trying to create favorable outcomes in any situation they face. They spend time learning form past successes and mistakes. Also, they not only invest in the honing of their craft, but their own personal development as well.

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