If You Try

If You Try

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Dark Side of Being Driven

Being driven is widely viewed in society as something positive and to be admired, I agree, but as someone who is very driven himself, I also see the potential harm in this quality if not managed properly. Driven individuals, such as myself, can have the tendency to charge toward a goal no matter the cost even if it causes harm to both themselves and those close to them. If you are very driven/ambitious, you must work hard to couple this trait with patience and accept the advice of others (even when it doesn't feel good). Ask those closest to you if you are making room for them and allowing them to be a part of your plans. Sometimes you may need to put the brakes on for a season to allow others to catch up or at least for them to trail closely behind. One thing you don't want is to become successful, reaching all of your goals and see the shattered lives of those who love you left behind in the dust. It is better to incorporate others, especially those that you love, and share the rich experiences of life and accomplishment. One driven personality to another.

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