If You Try

If You Try

Friday, July 1, 2011

Staying Passionate About Your Purpose in the Midst of Adversity

Fulfilling your purpose is no easy feat. In fact, most people don't, the same way the majority of people only tap into only about 10% of their brain power. When you choose to accomplish your purpose, you are signing up to go against the grain of society. Many systems are built on people being predictable and living an ordinary and purposeless life. Not only does one have to fight to remain motivated in spite of this fact, but also be able to navigate around our own tendency to just settle, especially if we hit some bumps in the road. I am a firm believer that if you realize what your true purpose is, you will weather the storms of adversity and persist right through them until you get to the envisioned end. Sometimes you have to take it one day at a time when you are not seeing the desired results. You have to be able to recognize and celebrate small victories and those will eventually turn into big ones.

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